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A relevant tweet from @KasperSpiro

Tom Wambeke about Scenario Planning as a Methodology

Tom Wambeke has published a blog post on the ITC-ILO staff blog in which he refers to the scenario planning workshop that was done in Berlin. He has uncovered some good extra resources about scenario thinking and planning as a methodology. Well worth taking a look.!/tomwambeke/status/189280313170591744

Webinar: The Learning Organization in Four Different Futures

When we facilitated the work on Learning Scenarios at the Business Educa in Berlin we promised we would organize a webinar a few months after the workshop in which we would try to assess what has been done with the scenario work and where we would try to take a collective next step. Willem Manders and Hans de Zwart will host the following virtual event:

The Learning Organization in Four Different Futures
April 5, from 16:30 to 17:30 CET (click here to convert this time to your own timezone)

Please post of comment on this blogpost and fill in your email address (it will not be displayed on the blog nor used for any other purposes) if you would like to receive an invite with the details of how to connect to the session and more information about what we will be doing there.

Jay Cross on the Learning Scenarios in Chief Learning Officer

Jay Cross has written a column on page 16 of the April issue of Chief Learning Officer magazine:

Jay Cross' column in Chief Learning Officer

Click to enlarge

Introduction to the Berlin Learning Scenarios

With a little help from Fusion Universal we now have a short video explaining the work have done on the scenarios so far. Comments are welcome!

A transcript is available too.

Summary of chat2lrn session inspired by the scenarios

Chat2lrn hosted a Twitter based chat on with a few questions based on the learning scenarios. The summary of the discussion has now been posted online. It gives a great overview of the richness of the discussion:

Most participants of the #chat2lrn placed their employer in the Old Boy category. Many aiming towards the In-Crowd category. Smaller businesses and entrepreneurs were most often placed in the In-Crowd category. Several remarked that the nature of the client organisations they dealt with, dictated how they themselves worked and communicated. Few mentioned the “big data” or “quantified self” categories, which some thought ironic considering the current focus on data gathering and measurement. It was also argued that many businesses in the old boy network, would claim differently

Read the full summary on the chat2lrn website (and make sure to check out their next discussion!).

A relevant tweet from @chat2lrn

Stephanie Dedhar’s Summary of last week’s Chat2Lrn session on the Berlin Learning Scenarios adds some real clear points about what these scenarios might mean for the role of learning and development in the near future. Well worth the read.

Good To Great

Last week I decided to save up my Find 15 slots and attend Chat2Lrn – a new tweetchat, and my first.

If you’ve not yet been initiated into the world of the tweetchat, it’s a scheduled conversation on Twitter using an agreed hashtag to bring all contributors together.

Last Thursday, 60 people joined the first Chat2Lrn, sending nearly 800 tweets in an hour!

Once I’ve attended a few more, I’ll try to share some of my tips for making the most of them. (In the meantime, take a look at David Kelly’s post.) For now though, a quick report of last week’s chat will do.

Before the tweetchat we were pointed towards a document summarising four learning scenarios of the future. These scenarios were the outcome of a challenge given to delegates at Business Educa in December, when they were asked to consider what workplace learning will look…

View original post 614 more words

Bert De Coutere’s News From the Future

Bert De Coutere has done us an immense favour. He has written four fictional future newspaper articles about each of the four scenarios. They are very insightful.

IBMzon launches the Talent Cloud

Has published them on his blog, but has also given us his permission to use them on this site. We will soon use these stories to give each of the four scenarios more “body” on the site. Thanks Bert!

Learning Scenarios Discussed in #chat2lrn Session

chat2lrn bannerChat2lrn organises Twitter based chats. Before the chat a set of questions is posted on their site which are then answered at an agreed on time by participants using the #chat2lrn hashtag on Twitter.

On January 19th they discussed our learning scenarios. There was an introductory post and the chat transcript has been posted online. I look forward to the summary!