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Summary of chat2lrn session inspired by the scenarios

Chat2lrn hosted a Twitter based chat on with a few questions based on the learning scenarios. The summary of the discussion has now been posted online. It gives a great overview of the richness of the discussion:

Most participants of the #chat2lrn placed their employer in the Old Boy category. Many aiming towards the In-Crowd category. Smaller businesses and entrepreneurs were most often placed in the In-Crowd category. Several remarked that the nature of the client organisations they dealt with, dictated how they themselves worked and communicated. Few mentioned the “big data” or “quantified self” categories, which some thought ironic considering the current focus on data gathering and measurement. It was also argued that many businesses in the old boy network, would claim differently

Read the full summary on the chat2lrn website (and make sure to check out their next discussion!).

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